this is one touching note someone wrote

i found this note from someone's profile
i stole it 
and i will give all the credit to  the writer. 
the title is 

'Without You' 
written by Chriz B.

Sometimes i think it’s over like the world is on my shoulder,
my confidence is lower there’s no hope for a soldier,
This worlds get colder,
Sometimes I need to get me out,
they stress me out,
but you’re the only person that can help me out,
No other chick can understand how I feel,
coz you’re real,
and got some sort of appeal that can heal,
For the problems that i deal with and that’s a fact,
coz when we fight I always feel that i could never get you back,
You’re the angel of my life,
a girl that can heal me,
fit body, nice lips,
when you kiss me I fell happy, (^_^)
I come home tied out of my mind,
but when you stop by,
and give me what you got, then I’m fine,
n I don’t know, you just make me think that the world is right,
And I’m wondering , can you come with me and be my girl tonight!?.

i hope that this person do not mind me stilling this fabulous piece of writing (^_^)
hope everyone read this and rate this please (^_^)
thanks so CHRIZZZ B. to write this beautiful piece of writing (^_^) 



when ever i see you my world shines so bright
when ever you are near me, i can sense you where ever you are
when ever you are not in the room my heart feels needle in my heart
when ever i think between you and him i feel pain in my heart
when ever i know i need to make a decision i feel hurt and sad
i wish i don't need to decide anything
i wish everything can be solved before the time
i love you



My Frustration on love

i have a problem ...
i like a guy in my school
i jus try talking to him like a fren 
but he seem to be scared of me 
im sad :(

i will

i will promise not to leave you 
i will upload my blog everyday 
i will try to not to hurt you again
i will promise you not to forget you.(its from my darling sis Yoke Mei )

once upon a time ...

once i love you and always love you
i know your caring of me 
and want me not to feel sad. 
i'm fine i will be fine
i felts very pleased when u ask me about the problems
my heart hurt when u ask and i din answer ur questions
i will be fine ... really trust me
i will be fine
darling trust me ... i will be fine 

loving the right person at the right time

loving someone at the right time could be the key to love that person 
right time to love someone is the key point of love
i guess i have love this person the right time 
that my first and last boyfriend in my life (i hope) ... 
this is the first time im introducing him here
he is Lim Boon Kim 
i love him so much 
he made me know that there always always someone 
that i can lean on when i am sad
someone to talk to when i felt no one to talk to
and he will not leave me no matter what make him angry (i make him angry :( )
i know that loving this person 
is worth it
would not regret loving this guy (he like to call himself )
i promise not to lose this person 
thats call love 

love is blind, whatever that will sacrifice for love
have you sacrifice for your lover?

love apart is not love ???

is love apart not love ?
i dun really agree with those things 
cox since my the other half is far away from me
sum times when i am free like today i think allot
i think is he my Mr Right ? does he really love me ?
and so on and so on 
i dun care what people think of me 
i just care what my lover think of me 
sometimes i think that have i choose the right person 
to be with
i am the person that scare to make dicisions and
scare to have a very big responsiblilty in hand 
lastly i want to say is i disagree with this statment becoz
love apart is also love no matter how far apart you are from him or her 

200 days

already 200 days 
love him 

what is my value to you??

well this is like my first time talking
bout basically the value of love in my life
do i have any value in my love life?
or do i have any value of life
maybe i have value on life
i dun really knoe bout that
if there is someone that love me probably i will have value
to this person
can anyone tell me
i love him so how can i leave him
so long i din write my blog so
this is kinda how i feel right now ...
love him so much

love qoute for a perfect boyfriend

Find a guy, 
who calls you beautiful instead of hot. 
Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisss your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Wait for the one who is constantly
reminding you of how much he cares about you
and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends 
and says, " ...that's he
Love is giving someone the power to destroy you,
but trusting them not to
from anonymous

long distance love

i hav heard that loving someone in a distance is 
the most difficult thing to do
now i know what they meant by the meaning of difficult
as i now am in a long distance relationship
i mean long as in very far away
not your lover 5 miles away from u
it really difficult as u do not know what he/she is doing at times
you urself will wonder alot of things
like myself i wonders and think lots of things
like erm ... wat is he or she doing?
or erm is he or she thinking of u ?
or sumthing like that
i always does that because he is not near me
and would love to know what we would do if we are seeing each other face to face
mayb we will not do much cox
nothing much could b done
since the things are not planed by me
so i dun hav to worry bout those things
i dun really like to plan
hmmm about my topic today
actually its quite random
oh and like someone says
distance cannot make love apart
so yeah i do agree with that
and erm i really do need to sleep now cox it 2.30 am
and erm nites
and lastly i never forget
i love you babe ur my dearest

sweet sweet love

sweet sweet love
love my lovely person
he will willing to do sumthing for me
love him 
sweet sweet love 
loving him so much ... * love *

trust, tolerance

trust- giving some freedom to your love one
cox ever person in this world needs their own time
but dun put too much freedom
trusting the person that is not thinks random things 
don't think bad bout your love ones
~ ~
tolerance- give tolerance to your love one
control your emotion
dun get mad so easily when they dun show up
maybe there is a reason
dun think too much
dun think other bad reason for other things if he/she don't show up
~ ~

I'll Remember You - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles

i love you, and ur the person i miss
in my heart you ll always be my babe
and i ll remeber you

just a phone call

just a phone call can make me become so happy
but first the time i start calling my heart beats will quick
when i talk to him ... i dun really know what i heard and what i say
i jus repeated time and time again ....
i wanted to tell him i misses him alot and say i love you
but im jus too shy
hope that someday he can call me
i would love to listen to his handsome voice again !!
i really do want to tell him that i really do love him and misses him on the phone but i din
cos of my less confidence
would love to try again and this time tell him i love himso much

27 july

haha today is my birthday ... celebrating with my babe 
im so happy lo ... 
so long hav to been so happy lo
love my life and love my babe too .... 

6 more days :)

hehe ... 6 more days 
do u think guys can remember anything about a girl?
does anyone know do i have any surprises ?
love him ...
i miss you so much ... :)

5 months in love

nearly 5 months me and him together
im so happy, at time
i mean most of the time
no no no
i mean all of the times
i can't imagine me living my life without him
i love him so much ...
so long i did not say this,
this is from him ...
i remembered so clearly he says ...
no matter how many girls flirt in front of him
he would say that he belongs to me ...awhh
im so lucky to know that he believes in that ....
i love him so much, i belong to him too
i clearly announce on this post
he's mine, i'm his 
we both belong to each other
don't separate us from each other 

wonder ...

if any male readers bother to drop a comment on the chat box please comment :)
i wonder ... what if a guy get jealous ?
what will they do ?
how would they react ?
hmmm ... all this is new to me ... so i need some comment to 
satisfy myself 
remember drop some comments ... 
love you babe ... my love ... 

will ...

will ever someone loves you forever?
will i be in love with this person forever?
will i know how to love this person?
will my love to him will fade?
will my love with him ever stay the same?
will my love grows stronger or deeper?
i do not know
the only thing i know now is that we both have the same aim to achieve
that is to study university and be a person that is successful
i still have to wait 2 or 3 more years 
but him ... he can study university now
i dun really know how he thinks bout things sometimes because 
sometimes he does not tell me much things
however i belief in him that we can make our long distance relationship work
like forever
that would be fantastic
because to forget someone you loved before is much more difficult 
to love other person.
therefore i belief that my love to him is true and his love to me is pure
so we both have the purest heart in the world
i wish that we can live for life together
and end like the fairytale
happily ever after
love my darling so much
miss him too ... 

long distance relationship maybe hard

long distance relationship maybe hard,
but the ones truly in love make it work.
i believe this is true because in a relationship we need
effort and some tolerance
8 more days my love will leave me to go to university
im very happy for him but i feel really sad due to,
him leaving me alone to study
i miss him a lot, since im in love with him
i almost every nite i dreamed bout him
almost everyday i re-read all our 
massages that we have
every minutes i think of the memories that we have
but every second the time is running, 
i really hope that he keep the promises
we make to each other and 
not let people says bad thing bout himself

loving one person

in love with one person is so difficult as i wrote before
once you love that person
you will want to see that someone so badly
even it is for 1 min u also want to see him/her
after in love is loving that person
loving that person until u feel that he/she is ur life
and can't live without that person ...

awhhh ....

now i know that this guy is the most precious to me
wow only today i realize that i love such a beautiful guy
today one of my frenx tell me that he went to school to speak to my frenx
i know he went to talk to my frenx but did not know how he talk to my frenx
my frenx was scared at that time 
but he din scold my frenx but my frenx feel sacared 
wow ... now i know how much this beautiful man loves me ...
i love him too very much 


i have realize that all these time i just says whats bad and sad about my love life
i do have happy times in my love life
when every time i am him have chats that are really wonderful and happy
when ever i am alone i also think of him, my lover
everyday i thinking of wanting him closer to me everyday
my happiness is my dreams of me and him
sometime i day dream of us being together or
just day dream about what my dream is with him 
so many happy things i could share with all my readers in my blog 
but i choose to share the sadness and the hurtfulness in my love life
i will try not to share my sadness but to share all my happiness in my blog 
love life

luckiest person vs lonely

sometimes a lover makes you happy
no matter is a he or a she
when u know something that is special about you lover then 
you will feel that your the most luckiest person and most lovely couple
when that person hurts you 
your heart will break and turns in to ashes 
that will not be able to repair no matter how long you give the heart to repair itself
and your life will be devastated 
no one can help you in that matter
can make you go insanely mad
madly in love and madly hurt
when you've got hurt
we promise each other that we wont do things that hurt each other
thats what we promised

complicated and difficult to understand

i keep asking that does i love me as much as he should have receive?
or i keep asking myself that do i love him??
i can definitely tell that i love him very much 
the reason is that i am scared of losing him
 when he leaves me with out a reason and there is something
that makes me feel really wrong i automatically feel really bad, hurt
and my heart feels like being in an attack
its really strange that i would feel this
dont have a reason why this kind of feeling happen to me 
so many times i tell myself not to think crazy things like
will he leave me one day ?
or will i not love him ?
will i meet him or will i go back to meet him ?
how much longer must i wait ?
i cant handle this kind of ' feel so close but yet so far' feeling
i felt that i will go crazy this summer 
just wanting to meet my lover 
but sometimes i felt like im scared of meeting my lover
since i have not met him before
sometimes i think of what i gonna wear and what i gonna tell him
that make me happy
but make me scared is that i dun know 
how he is in person and i have not met a guy on a not formal occasions 
i scared that when we meet, i dun know i have the confidence to face my lover or not
coz i know i am a very shy person that can not face my first crush
how can i face my own lover for the first time in my life

close to you


whats love ?
what makes people to love ??
how people know they are in love ??
why does people love ??
how many kind of love in the world ??
why do you says 'i love you ' to some strangers that you only know for a few months or years??
why does people do not says 'i love you' to some one you know for life ??
why does people says 'i love you' ??

i only know that when ever some one says the name of the lover 
i feel really happy
and i know that love is a very difficult feeling to tell
when you did not aspect a massage or phone call from that person 
and u received you will be touched by his\her massage or call
the person i loved really touched me with even a very simple massage
i know my lover loves me so much 
i love you so much too 

feeling of being naive

whats naive ?
naive from the internet dictionary says 
showing a lack of experience, understanding or sophistication
sometime when i am talking to this person 
i feel that i am so naive.
i feel that i still need time to understand how my feeling goes
i really need to know what kind of person i am
 sometimes i feel that i have to understand the feeling of my own.

confused feeling

click on the picture if you care of me
i love you so very much
i need lots of this
and all the trust and hope from my love
i love you so much

quotes of love from me to my love one

Love is a symbol of eternity. 
 It wipes out all sense of time,
 destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end
Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you.
  They are not perfect but are always perfect for you
I love you like crazy, baby
'Cuz I'd go crazy without you.
The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, 
a dim twilight, 
and a fountain singing to it.  
You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. 
 Other men it is said have seen angels,
 but I have seen thee and thou art enough
when i first saw you i was afraid to meet you,
when i first met you i was afraid to kiss you,
when i first kissed you i was afraid to love you,
but now that i love you im afraid to loose you,

The First

the first is the most important and memorable thing
first person become your lover
first kiss
first time hands are held together
first date
first hug
and first conversation with the first person
to me the first time is the most important thing to me
i felt that first can not simple be given to random people


584 520 1314
love this phrase of number ...


devastate ....
to ruin or all things over a large area
destroy a whole collection of related belief and strong opinions
break beyond recovery

meaning of roses

symbol of love
before you send roses to your love one
know the meaning of the roses
theses are the meaning of the colours:-
red - I love you
pink - grace and elegance, happiness and also an expression of admiration
yellow - friendship
white - purity and innocence
orange - desire and enthusiasm or secret love
lavender - enchantment or love at first sight
peach - sympathy or gratitude or modesty and sincerity
black - death
champagne - lasting beauty

the next meaning is really important
the number of roses that you will give
1 rose-love at first sight
2 roses-deeply in love
3 roses-I love you
6 roses-i want to be yours
9 roses-eternal love
10 roses-you are perfect
11 roses-you are treasured, the one I love the most
12 roses-be my steady
13 roses-secret admirer
15 roses-I am sorry, please forgive me
20 roses-Please believe me
21 roses-i am devoted to you
24 roses-i am always thinking of you
33 roses-i love you with great affection
36 roses-i will remember our romantic moment
40 roses-my love is genuie
50 roses-regretless love
theses are too expensive to buy so many roses but
why not spend these money to express your love to your love one like these
99 roses-i will love you for as long as i live
100 roses-always together until we grow old
101 roses-you are my love one and only one
365 roses-i think of you everyday
999 roses-everlasting eternal love
these is all that meaning of roses
the one i love the most and not too expensive
is red and white with 9 roses
i sure would be really happy

1 to 100,000,000

1 thing i will do is to be with my beloved forever
10 time i will give you chance to explain yourself in bad situation
100 mins to let you confesses your love to me
1,000 times still want you
10,000 time you can take my love from me
100,000 hours missing and loving you
1,000,000 make things right
10,000,000 i will make you smile
100,000,000 will says 'i love you' and always love you no matter what

today is ...

today is 20th of may
that could be represented 520
this means 我愛你
today everyone should be a very romantic and beautiful day for everyone
cos today everyone should express the love to people that they love
no matter who he or she is
i here want to tell my special person
我愛你 1314 love you !!

Saddest love story ever *Comes with a message*Will make you cry READ DIS...

this is the saddest love story that touches me !
hope all my readers love this one ...

16 of may

today may not mean anything to anyone
but today meant a lot to us
today is the 3rd month anniversary
im so happy that i could have love one single person for 3 months that makes 89 days
accurately 11 more days will makes 100 days
i felt that our relationship is so strong
but i misses this person a lot
i hope to see this person one day and hope the day wont be long
missing someone so far away from you is so hard
but i am really happy that i know my special someone is still deeply in love with me

someone so special

i have this special someone that i misses every moment in every minutes
i have to study so i told this special person to wait for me
but i have also told this special person to touch me when ever this person is lonely
i really hope that this special person will touch me someday not too long for me to wait
i want my special to misses me and to love me as much as i love my special someone

'Distance never separates two hearts that really care,
for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there.
But whenever I start feeling sad,
because I miss you,
I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.'


when people says this quote
'when something precious that is beside you,
you will not appreciate it,
when its gone you will regret about it and hope it would come back to you'
i dun believe them, i trust myself that i appreciate things
but now i know that i do believe in this quote
when my special person is not by my side supporting me
i felt left out and i have lost something
i know now that when we meet each other i know how to appreciate each other and the times
i love you

remind of my special person

this song remind me of the person
every time i listen to this song
No Promises- Shayne Ward
every time the lyrics of the song touches my ears
it reminds me bout all the beautiful moment that we have spent
the words that this special person said to me
'No Promises' is the song that remind me bout the special person
when i misses this person i will unconsciously
listen to this song
i want to be really tolerant like that special person
as that person says,
i just cant wait till i meet my special person again ...<3


i have a fear that will bug me really long
the fear that no one can understand
except that special someone
i miss this special someone
i love this special someone
and please this special someone do forgive and forget what i have done bad


whenever you heard the voice of the person u love
u will feel really really happy
whenever the voice softly reach your ears
you will feel that your the most happiness person that have life in the world
today i actually heard the voice of the special person
that is the most wonderful experience in the world
but when ever i make myself to say the three wonderful words to let the person know
i cant let myself to say that i dun know why
im just too shy to says that to the special person
i know one day i will tell this to this special person
the voice that you heard of the special person
it will imprinter in ur heart, brain and soul.

every morning

the days are much more nicer and happier
everyday i and that special person meet each other online
every morning before i go to school in the morning
i dun know y but i will automatically wake up about the same time to meet this special person
we chat most anything.
normally i dun know the time to go to school when chatting with the person ...

i know ...

i now currently know that i am the luckiest person in the world
i am also now the happiest person in the world
the person told me the most happiest thing in the world
the thing that i seen for so many times
this time i heard it from that person
the lovely 3words.
im so lucky
i love the person so much.

i think cant live without you

i finally can see the one i love
i really misses the person
i have not seen him for bout 6 days
my god i think i really long time ... but it is just 6 days

5th day

today is the fifth day that i have not even talk to the special person,
i miss this person so much
the person that i miss is the person i love the most ....

a story

today i heard a story from tv
that is from Samuel Chan from tvb
i heard this story from .... a program i for get
the story goes like this
a boy name Sam,
his mum as him a question,
when his mum ask him that question he was only in kindergarten,
his mum ask ...
' What is the most important part of your body?'
at that time Sam's felt that the environment is really interesting so
Sam says 'the ear' and mum says ' dear, that is not the most important part of your body?
some people in the world live really happily with out hearing my love. i will ask u this again.'
a few years later mum ask Sam the same question again
now he is at his middle school.
Sam pause for a moment to have a think and answered
he says 'the eyes' and mum says ' no my love that is not the most important. my love some of the people in the world can live really happily in the world with out sight.'
years when by Sam is now in collage
and unfortunately his dad pass away that year,
when he and his mum is in the funeral his mum then
suddenly ask the question that his mum always ask
' my dear, what is the most important part of your body?'
Sam thinks for a long time
and mum answered ' your shoulder is the most important?'
that is the story that i like
this story tells me that the most important thing is
that you can always lean on the shoulders from your love ones
when ever you are at a down state
not only the special person and also from family and frenx.
hope everyone understand the story and love it.

how can ...

i thought my special person says that the person want to talk to me ...
chat with me
i thought that my special person says that the person wants to chat with
me so much that he dun care how late it is
i really hope that tomorrow we could chat at the time that we normally start
i miss this person so much the last time i seen my special person is on the saturday
if we can not then i would like to me my special person on
saturday at the time that we have said.
i misses this person now...

61 days ...18/4

these are the days that i have been with my special someone
and the day i have meet this person is too long to count
i really felt that i am more and more deeply in love with the special person
deeper then before ...
i have not felt so strange before
i felt that i could not leave this special person
when i woke up in the morning the first thing that i am thinking of is my special person
and as for the last thing i think of is also my special person
thinking that when are we chatting ...
what time are we meeting ...
and so on and so on ...
i'm so happy to meet my first ...
and hopefully is my last ...
i love you

loving my special person ...

loving a person is very hard
loving the right person is more harder then you think
loving my special someone is the hardest because
i know that the special someone is the perfect person to love
but the hardest is not to tell the special someone that 'i love you'
is the problem that will comes up
that has been set up by the omnipotent one
the problems that has been set up to test us is so hard to solve
so many question /problems, big or small, all of then has so much to test us
the biggest test has been given is
will i meet my special someone ? how? when? where?
all of the questions i do not know
tomorrow is the special day for us
do you remember?


finally i know whats missing in this relationship
listen to this song jj lin -however many 100 days
the thing that is missing is our touch, closeness, voice and something that close
i have not touch or seen my special person
have not even heard the person's voice
not been touch by the person, i know that is impossible for now
closeness possible if the person let me listen to the person's voice
voice is possible if we call each other.

im so stupid ...

i did not know what to do to the problem that will or will not happen but
the only thing that i know is that the person is always saying
the most common 3 words that shows that the person still in love with me.
but i din know that the person will actually say these things.
the person know that will hurt both of us
i did not know how to respond to the answer that the person has given
i thought of just to end the conversation
and just get over with it but i did not.
i felt so sorry to just end the conversation so selfishly
moreover i do not want to end the relationship with someone so special to me
i have not felt so free chatting with the person,
letting all my feelings out to the person.
one last thing that i want to let the person know is that
i want to live with the person forever in my life no matter what happen in our lives or
it is just fate that do not let us be together.
i will always be the one that will be waiting for you
will you wait for me no matter how long you have to wait?
im so scared now that you will say this thing ...
please, i begging the person not to leave my heart broken,
if the person do i dun know what i will do to the person
i will not forgive and forget the person
or maybe something that i would not imagine myself doing.

good and bad

if you love someone you have to love that person's
strength and weaknesses of the person
the most hardest thing to me to love is the person to have not a nice outer shell
but the inner shell of the person is really nice and beautiful
i felt that time could do the trick to accept all the strength and the weaknesses of the person
i felt that love is the hardest thing to be understood
cos of the complex but simple feeling between two person
i felt that there is only one true love in everyone's life
no one can replace the person that is in their hearts
nobody can understood the feeling of love really truly
unless your the person that name the special feeling 'LOVE'

wait wait wait

wait wait wait .... always wait
the only thing i can do is to ... wait
how long do i have to wait to get to see my true love
sometimes ... 3-4 years
sometimes ... 5-6 years
what is going on in my life is there anyone to tell me that
how much time do i still have to wait?
is there any other solution ?
for some questions that i can't answer is like ...
since both of the two lovers have two different lives
why do the lovers love each other?
what makes the two lovers loves each other when one is in asia
and one is in the other side of the world?
why must the God give the two person such a big test for them ?
why must it be a long distance relationship ? why?

wondering ...

im wondering that r u still reading my blog or are you still reading what i write
i know that i think alot at times but i just want to know that r u still willing to see what i write
im also wondering that some times i feel that i dont really know how u think of me
i know i am thinking alot since i love you so much
mayb the time can tell what will happen in the future
i am really hoping to know that do u still read what i write here or there?
could you tell me the answer
i just wanted to know so i can spread my own happiness to you
now that i know your reading my blog
will try to update my blog everyday
and load it up will all the happiness from us
to all the other people in the world

loving sumone

loving someone is so hard
when you dun know what he is doing and thinking when you all are not together
i really feel that the time can test everything
from what he like to what ever he does not
i trusting that someone is so important
if you and him is like 7 hours different i feel that the most difficult test are
1. to have safety with the someone
2. putting all tour heart to the someone
3. to be a understanding person, too understand when he/she is not with you
4. to have the same topic to chat about when you meet with the someone
5. to be as sweet as possible for as long as possible
6. to ask questions from both person and not one person
7. to try to knowing what each other is thinking of ( being in the same brain )
these are the 7 questions that could be teated for long distance relationship
that i feel that is really hard for me
i think i will give our (me and someone ) 4/7
for our relationship
i felt that i have trust and love in that someone but i felt that the someone i love
is missing something that i am so wanting for so long that i have not get yet.

Missing you

Missing sumone is so hard
missing a love one is the most hardest thing in the world
missing the person that you love so much
so the only thing that you can do is that you have to
keep the love with the person and the wonder of love
just follow the flow
so the thing that you have to do is that to meet each other as quick as possible
to have a good meet .

to loved by you !!

i would not think that your so angry when i make a joke on that,
i really can't sleep that night,
i did not mean to make you angry,
i feel so bad.

the moment i fell in love with you i already know that,
this is my first love that i will never ever let go
i will never never ever letting go of you,
no matter what you do to me,
no matter what you say to me,
i want to be with you forever.
i know this will make me so selfish and you dun like people that
is selfish .
just let me be selfish just for you.
i know this selfishness of me you will like because its you that
i be so selfish .

to beloved by you is the happiest thing that ever happen to me
no one can replace your place in my heart
you have already fill my heart with most of your love
that you have given me.

missing sumthing in my life ...

it seems to b that i have sumthing missing in my life because
today i have not online at the time i usually online with the one i love
i felt that one time i dun online with that person i will feel like missing sumthing
why do i even feel so alone ...
when i online with that person i felt that i am im heaven
quite a very nice experience
love to b with that person
i hope that i can c that person soon
when i bought a new notebook
love you so much more then anyone ...


this few months
i have started to listen to the meaning of the songs
like when i am listening to kiss goodbye by lee hom
i know that the meaning of the song
or when i am listening to down (english ) by jj lin
or dong hua and yue ding by guang liang
or nothing gonna change my love for you from george benson
all of this songs can show how i feel right at that moment,
right at that time ,
space and action
if sumone know the meaning or they felt the same meaning on all these songs
i think they will feel the same thing in their heart

telling, is so hard

i dun want to tell this straight to き because
i felt that if i tell is straight き to then き will feel really worried
i dun want き to worry bout me and jus be with me whenever or wherever
but i felt that this is a problem that i would not tell き
i think that this is a very small problem that every couple would face
i dun know is me or not i felt that since we are together for a month
i still felt that i dun know who き is
i dun know how き feels and i dun really know wat き is trying to do
the most biggest fear is that will き cheat on me ?
will i ever know き true feeling and true self ?
there are so many questions that i want to know the answer
but the answer i felt jus can be shown from actions
i felt that i have not have き heart truly yet
i know that one day き will prove to me that the love that we have
collect from so many months, days, hours, minutes and second together
will be return as a reward to our love
i felt so painful through this whole piece of blog
but i dun want to let き know
im so painful

Second, Min, and Hours

today i know that the one i love will always see wat i write
this makes me feel so happy at the same time so for filled
every hour
every minutes
every second
i feel so for filled and feel so loving
i want my love one to knoe every thing about how i feel about
every second of my life and what happen in my life
i really want the one i love keep reading wat i rite
from this hour, minutes, and second on
i would love that the one i love to love me much more
then i love you
like what she say ... take and give
no matter wat i do not know the meaning
take wats urs and give wats no
i think that's the meaning
i love you


i dun really know that y i feel so hurt today
i really know that is not him who made me feel so hurt...
i know that i love him
i am really happy when i am with him
but i dun know y i felt so hurt today
i love him
i want to know y i felt so hurt ....

the power of love

i know this title is not really interesting
and i know no one want to read it,
but the power of love is really powerful
once you fall in love
you will know that no matter how far you are
if you are in love then you would feel the power going between two of you.
the power of trust and loving each other
i know it now because i feel that i really in love with the person i am in love now
sometimes one person have to step the first step no matter your a girl or a boy.
you have to just step the first step then you will know
that he or she loves you.
do not be scared of being rejected and feel hurt at times.
i have been rejected twice and i know how it feels
that is so hurt and you will feel really down after u have heard that.

Kiss Goodbye

i dun know y but i keep singing kiss goodbye by wang lee hom
maybe because every time i chat wif him
and dun want him to leave me all alone again
till next time we chat again.

quote to think ?

i got this quote from my religious teacher's board
the quote is
forgiving is a very powerful thing,
and especially when you can forget it too.

i would like to ask people that what do they think of the quote?
do you agree with the quote ?
i think i agree with this quote cox forgiving is a very hard thing
and i think that i would not so easily to forget sumthing
but i will only forgive the person ...

beauty of love

beauty of love is
that one person will willing to wait for you,
willing to open to you all the time and
willing to talk to you all the time at any states
the person will willing to talk to you about anything
the person will tell you the truth and
will not lie to you.
willing to sacrifice their time for you
if you are not by your love-one's side you find anyway to find try
to see them or just talk to them.
love you so much my love- one.


i dun know wat happen to him but for 2 dayz he hasnt online
i really dun knoe he dun want to online or he jus have bit problem
of his computer ....
or his mordem ...
i just really hate that ...
i jus dun know ....
i know i love him but i hate him now ...

I am truely in love♥

on the November 9 2009 i meet this person online with the most
meaningful question to me ...
later that day he and i start chatting ...
and we have met for about 4 months ...
lately we have been more closer with out relationship ...
and on the February 14 that is the Valentines day ...
i was too happy to answer him and i jus did a very silly thing ...
now we are dating about 22 days from today...
i love him so much and more then he loves me ....
i also misses him ... soooo much ...
i love you...

i am soo happy

i am really happy ...
this is the first time he tell me that he loves me ...
but unfortunately he wants to sleep ...
i am really happy ...
i can not belief ...
i love him too ...

my stupidity

i feel so ...
so frustrated or hurt or sad
i dun know how i feel but
i jus feel that
i jus wrote the wrong thing on our conversation.
i felt that he is angry at me ...
dun ask who he is,
and dun ask what's our relationship.

this is the love story that will touch u and make u cry

It had been raining for more than a week, so much rain it made everyday seemed so restless and gloomy. She called and said she was coming up. It was the third time she came up to see me that week. I carried her excuse of why she came all the way here and went to meet her at the nearby seven-eleven. She was standing there alone, carrying her red umbrella. Her friend had dropped her off. It was raining and she was shivering. She looked weak and fragile in the harsh rain, wearing not enough to keep her warm.

I walked up to her and said, "You shouldn't come see me anymore," and stuff like how we shouldn't be together.

She said, "I miss you."

I told her coldly, "Lets go, I'll take you home."

She did not open up her umbrella, I knew she wanted to share mine.

I said, "Open up your umbrella, let's go."

Unwillingly, She opened up her umbrella and walked with me to the car. She said she hadn't eat lunch or dinner and asked if we could stop at some place to eat.

Right away I answered with a stoned heart, "No!"

Disappointed, she asked me to take her to the train station, she said she would take the train back home.

Maybe it was the rain, all the trains were full of people with umbrellas and suit cases who were eager to get home, not caring about who just passed by. We waited and waited, she looked at me innocently. Being together for so long, of course I knew what she meant. I understand how she must feel when she came all this way here in this kind of weather and I treat her like this. With her soft eyes staring at me, I felt guilt and wanted to let her stay for the night.

But reality struck again, I said to her coldly, "Let's go try the other train station."

We were living in the same apartment building, on the same floor. Back then there were four of us, and we got along well. We would always eat dinner together, watch movies, and sometimes go camping. We were more like a family, but I didn't know I would end up falling in love with the only girl of the four. Maybe it was during the last year of college, having living together for two years, we developed deep feelings for each other. After she graduated she went back home, and I stayed for one more year to finish school. During that year I was only able to take the train down to see her on holidays, but never for long. That was how we kept the treasured relationship.

We were walking along the side of the road. She was in front of me and I was right behind her. Her umbrella had a broken spoke. She looked liked a wounded soldier, carrying her rusted rifle walking weakly. Many times, she was too into thinking or whatever she was doing, drifting off the road, she almost got hit by the cars passing by. I wanted to just take her in my arms, but with the love I had for her and the constant pain in my stomach, I did nothing. On the way, we passed by the park where we use to always go.

She begged and said, "Lets go in the park just for a little while please, I promise I'll go home right after this."

With her begging, my cold heart softened, but I still put up an annoyed face and walked in the park. I was just sitting on the benches looking like I wanted to leave. She went to the big oak tree and she was looking for something. I knew she was looking for what we wrote on that tree with a silver ink pen half a year ago. If I remember it right, it said, "Chris and Susan was here, Chris had tea and Susan was drinking hot chocolate. Hope Chris and Susan would always remember this day, always loving each other, forever." She was looking around for quite a while, then she came back slowly with tears on her face.

She said, "Chris, I can't find it, it's not there anymore."

I felt so sour inside, there was a stream of pain, flowing into my heart, the kind of pain I've never felt before. But all I could do was pretend I didn't care, and said, "Can we go now?"

I opened up my big black umbrella, she was just standing there, didn't want to leave yet, hoping there was still a chance. She said, "You made up the story of you and that other girl didn't you? I know I frustrate you sometimes, but I'll change, can't we start over?"

I didn't say a word, just looked down and shook my head. After that we just kept on walking towards the train station, didn't say a word to each other.

Four years ago, the doctor said I had cancer, but it was found early, so it was still curable. Thinking that it was okay, I started living my normal life again, and even forgot about the cancer. I didn't think about the cancer again and did not go back to the doctor. Until a month ago, my stomach was hurting for two weeks straight, and the nightmare awakened me again. First I thought the pain wouldl go away, but it grew stronger until to the point that I couldn't take it anymore. I went back to the doctor and took an X-ray. The picture came out and there was a big black spot, which proved the truth that I did not want to believe. I was at the most glittering part of my life, but it was coming to an end. I wanted myself and the people around me to go through the least pain possible, so I decided to commit suicide.

But I couldn't let people find out about my intentions, especially Susan, the person I love the most in this whole world, who still doesn't know about the truth. Susan was still young, she shouldn't have to go through this. So I made up some stories and lied to her. It was a cruel thing to do, and it broke her heart, but it was the fastest way to wipe out three years's feelings. I didn't have much time, because I would soon start to loose hair and she would find out eventually. But now I'm close to succeeding, this drama would soon be over. Thirty minutes more this would all come to an end, that was what I had in mind.

The train had stopped running so I called a taxi for her. We were just standing there, waiting, loosing our last moments in silence.

I saw the taxi from far away, I held my tears and said to her, "Take care of yourself, take good care of yourself."

She didn't talk, just nodded lightly, and then opened up her misshaped umbrella and stepped out on the street. Out in the rain, we became two single life forms, one red, one black, so far away from each other. I opened the door for her and she got in, then I close the gate that would separate me from her forever. I stood by the car, staring in the dark window, at the first love in my life, also the last one, walking out of my life. The car started, driving into the street. Finally I couldn't hold my sorrow and the twist in my heart any longer, waving my arms rapidly chasing after the taxi, because I knew, this would be the last time I see her.

I wanted to tell her I still love her, I wanted to tell her to stay, I wanted to tell her so much, but the taxi had already turned in the corner. Warm tears kept falling down my face, blended with the cold rain drops. I was cold, not because of the rain. I was cold inside.

She left, and I didn't get anymore of her phone calls even until today. I know she didn't see my tears, because they were washed away by the rain. I left without regrets. But I'm not Chris, I'm that girl Susan, using my memory, and his diary I found after one year since he left, writing down these last words.

ず is sad, and i felt that too.

this week ず is so down ... ず is really down and i can feel that
when ず on the first morning when i want to class
and when i talk to ず and ask is ず alright
then i felt that ず is so down and ず went out class and
i really felt that the most deep feeling i have felt ...


today i have played basketball with ず
i love that moment and that is the most wonderful day of my life.
ず is so cold to day, but ず is really 'yeng' when ず play basketball.
i am pretty happy when are playing basketball.

falling in love again

i did not know that this time of year
i still thinking of falling for り i really dun know
that i will be *** but i really dun want to think about that.
when り say that り like me as a frenx
i feel so happy until i can not belief myself that i am so happy
i din know that り have such a big impact on my life
but i know り is *** and have a ♥ and they love each other,
i din know wat to do so ...
i just did wat i do usually admire and just look り from far away.
but so forcunate we are frenx so we chat together
i still admire り from far and not attack.