whats love ?
what makes people to love ??
how people know they are in love ??
why does people love ??
how many kind of love in the world ??
why do you says 'i love you ' to some strangers that you only know for a few months or years??
why does people do not says 'i love you' to some one you know for life ??
why does people says 'i love you' ??
i only know that when ever some one says the name of the lover
i feel really happy
and i know that love is a very difficult feeling to tell
and i know that love is a very difficult feeling to tell
when you did not aspect a massage or phone call from that person
and u received you will be touched by his\her massage or call
the person i loved really touched me with even a very simple massage
i know my lover loves me so much
i love you so much too