from facebookie
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her 1 of your sweatshirts
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her everywhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. it makes her feel loved.
Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say hi whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she's beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car (if any)- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she's your everything - ONLY if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug her.
24. Make her feel loved.
25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know
26. DON'T lie to her
27. DON'T cheat on her!
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants
29. Text messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her.
30. Be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can ALWAYS count on you.
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold YOU too.
32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the CHEEK: (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If shes upset, comfort her.
36. When people DISS her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so you can cuddle.
39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.
40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible
41. Call or text her EVERY night to wish her SWEET DREAMS
42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
44. ALWAYS remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
46. Rub her back--feels good
47. Give her your coat if she's cold--thats always cute
48. Write letters on her back with your finger--feels good ;D
49. Let her sit on your lap
50. DON'T poke her hard...but if you want to mess around just do it lightly.
51. HOLD her HAND in PUBLIC.
52. Even if she looks BAD one day tell her she's BEAUTIFUL
53. Keep conversations about anything usually they just go along with it.
54. If their hair is in their face move it out of her face and then kiss her passionatley and gently.
55. Surprisingly sneek up on her and hug her from behind--loves it.
56. Kiss her in the rain.
57. Pick her up like in The Notebook and kiss her.
58. Slow dance with no music
59. Don't ignore her or be nerveous around her--everything is going to be okay.
60. Love her, kiss her, hold her, and you'll be good to go. ;D
loved Sumie ♥ き
ahhh !!! there is a big new for everyone ....
ahhh !!! omg i met Gandalf today ...
in my class ahhh!!!! i can not belief it ....
omg he gave a speech ...
and saw me dance ...
can't belief that ...
he is so nice and friendly to us ahhhhh!!!!
loved Sumie ♥ き
love rs so much ...
i love rs so much ...
i also love the teacher and the subject too ...
i love the questions that is been given the exam ...
my question do u agree with this ??( inspired by rs question)
'If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be'.
by anonymous
by anonymous
i agrees with anonymous
when u really love someone or something to let go is the nicest thing a human can do to love
when u love someone or something in the first place u can really just try holding it
and see what will happen in the future ... if it does not work out but u still love that someone or something
let it go
if it comes back to u as anonymous says then just have another try
give it a chance to change and have some more time with each other
when the person hurts u and leave u then just don't border to give it any chance
leave it fast and just let go and leave it ...
loved Sumie ♥ き
す maybe is in love
すmeet a guy in ********
i think that guy jus want to be a frenx to す
but す first did actually want to be frenx wif him
す is so happy chatting wif him
every morning す wakes up す the first thing to do is to go on ********
to see if he have left any massage for す
and す knows that he have an exam tomorrow
and he did not leave any massage for す
now す hoping to recive his massage
today す almost broke す phone cox す is waiting for the massage to appear
す felt so worried of that す scared him by taking it so fast....
loved Sumie ♥ き
love that make u cry
dun be mistaken by the title ...
the meaning of cry means that the love that make you feel the
like has been touch by a very strong feeling ...
read books that make you cry can be one of the love ...
loved Sumie ♥ き
opposite is like beautiful is ugly,
ugly is beautiful,
nice is not nice,
wanting is not wanting,
the same thing goes to love,
love is hate,
hate is love,
but hate is more reliable then love,
love is what everyone in the world will try to find.
love may make so many thing that is not going to happen
and made it happen
loved Sumie ♥ き
L is for love OR lies
L for love ?
L for lies ?
i really want to know what is between love and lies ?
which one can represent L more in the scene of life ?
L i feel love can represent L more in the scene that
love is what life made of and lies is a bad thing
lies is not made for life
lies make life more wonderful in times
but i feel that love is more powerful then lies
once the lies have overcome the love
the love will break
loved Sumie ♥ き
1000 times
1000 times of i love you does not mean your lover will love you for ever
1000 times of i love you does not mean that your lover won't betray you
1000 times of i miss you so much won't tell you that your lover does miss you
1000 times of i miss you so much won't tell you what your lover
1000 times of i am sorry does not mean that you are forgiven
1000 times of i am sorry does not mean that your lover have not forget what you have done
1000 times of i want you back mean that your lover wants you back ?
1000 times of i want you back mean that your lover still loves you ?
1000 times will you stay by my side does not mean that your lover will be at your side for ever
1000 times will you stay by my side does not mean the lover will not do bad things to you
10 x 1000 = love that we can not imagine
loved Sumie ♥ き
す feelings is hurt
anyone that hold the feeling in themselves is smart lover ?
す really want to feel that one love to す
if す can not find any of the love,
す really don't mind just let す love for once that fine for す
す is really lonely now,
feel so sad and wanting to be taken by some one that willing to take す
す just once that really will for fill what す wish for.
す really feel so so sad .
don't know why but sad
all すcan feel.
y does す feel so sad?
does す have any love?
will anyone love す?
loved Sumie ♥ き
love of silents
love that no need to be spoken,
an be consider as a silent love,
if you and you partner,
have a very strong feeling between each other,
that's called the silent love,
silent love is a very trustful thing to have in a relationship,
knowing the massage that your partner wants to tell you,
with out even eye contact that is the greatest thing,
no matter what the partner is thinking you will know,
just by the feel of it.
loved Sumie ♥ き
love can make...
love can be loved not just,
being loved is also a very important thing,
love must be trust and be the only one that,
really can talk to,
the person that willing to listen to another,
when ever they have problems,
the person that willing to talk to another,
when ever they have things to talk,
loved Sumie ♥ き
simples in friendship..!
true friendship,
just only needs,
a few simple request,
or some simple effort,
when ever or where ever,
what ever or how ever,
everyone is busy with their lives,
however just a simple,
massage or phone call or email,
that can remind,
each other that,
you are not been forgotten.
loved Sumie ♥ き
blue is to advice,
yellow is to take risk,
red is to stop,
all of love.
blue love,
blue love is to advice love,
the feel that advice to love,
love about the person before love.
yellow love is to take risk to love,
when ever you see the yellow signal,
we have to take some risk,
mean to take risk in love.
red love is to stop love,
when the signal red,
we have to stop loving the person,
mean not to love the person.
loved Sumie ♥ き
the beauty of violin
love is like a person playing the violin,
the violin may touch your heart,
the violin may hurt your heart so much,
the melody that makes someone fall in love,
the melody will let us know,
where and when to stop the love.
when the melody begins in a very nice sound,
you will know what can happen,
the love will slowly form,
when the melody hits the high notes,
then the love will hit at a high rate of love,
the melody is to an end,
the love will fade in a very slow way snd slowly stop.
the corda is the string,
not a normal string on a violin,
it is a golden string means a golden love,
the corda represent the beauty of the love,
the corda will break very fragile and delicate,
the corda also very baeutiful and very wonderful,
the corda is also a very important to the violin,
as important as a part of the love life,
when the corda is torn the,
the love will be lost in sudden.
loved Sumie ♥ き
love hurts
love hurts really hurts;
love will be the most bad thing;
happiest thing that any 1 have imagine
loved Sumie ♥ き
The beautiful day
2day i have a very beautiful day ...
love can not be told by anyone accept u ...
loved Sumie ♥ き
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